
Serilog Configuration || How to Use Serilog in ASP.Net 7 Web App(MVC) | ASP.Net 7 | Serilog

Serilog Configuration || How to Use Serilog in ASP.Net 7 Web App(MVC) | ASP.Net 7 | Serilog

Serilog Configuration || How to Use Serilog in ASP.Net 7 Web App(MVC) | ASP.Net 7 | Serilog

Serilog logging for ASP.NET Core. This package routes ASP.NET Core log messages through Serilog, so you can get information about ASP.NET’s internal operations written to the same Serilog sinks as your application events.

With Serilog.AspNetCore installed and configured, you can write log messages directly through Serilog or any ILogger interface injected by ASP.NET. All loggers will use the same underlying implementation, levels, and destinations.

.NET Framework and .NET Core 2.x are supported by version 3.4.0 of this package. Recent versions of Serilog.AspNetCore require .NET Core 3.x, .NET 5, or later.

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