
Presidential candidates, 2024 – Nebraska 3rd Congressional District

Presidential candidates, 2024 – Nebraska 3rd Congressional District

May 24, 2023: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) announced his candidacy.
May 22, 2023: Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) announced his candidacy.
May 1, 2023: Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) said he did not plan to declare a presidential candidacy in 2023.
April 25, 2023: President Joe Biden (D) announced his re-election campaign.
April 20, 2023: Talk radio host and 2021 California gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder (R) announced his candidacy.

Republican candidates

Ron DeSantis

Donald Trump

Larry Elder

Nikki Haley

Asa Hutchinson

Vivek Ramaswamy

Tim Scott

Corey Stapleton

Democratic candidates

Joe Biden

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Marianne Williamson

List of Republican candidates
Ron DeSantis (R), the governor of Florida, announced his candidacy on May 24, 2023.
Larry Elder (R), a talk radio host and 2021 California gubernatorial candidate, announced his candidacy on April 20, 2023.
Nikki Haley (R), former U.N. Ambassador and South Carolina Governor announced she would run on February 14, 2023.
Asa Hutchinson (R), former Arkansas Governor, announced he would run on April 2, 2023.
Vivek Ramaswamy (R), entrepreneur and political commentator, announced his campaign on February 21, 2023.
Tim Scott (R), a United States senator from South Carolina, announced his candidacy.
Corey Stapleton (R), former Montana Secretary of State, announced he would run on November 11, 2022.
Donald Trump (R), former U.S. President announced he would run on November 15, 2022.

This video was created by Yvan Tran, Republican National Committee. Member since 2020. A copy of this video was placed on cloudflare streaming platform 24/7.

The Hunter’s Biden laptop conspiracy scheme theory is long overdue. Democrats have absolutely no clue how to lower the debt deficit, but instead, they prefer to raise the debt ceiling limit at an all-time high to cover up for every deal that they have passed thru Congress. Joe Biden Mastermind the order of all the bills from the previous administration as much as possible so Joe Biden & Kamala Harris can both pocket 1% tax credit towards their retirement.

By the end of their terms, Joe Biden should have at least $10M dollars tax-free in an overseas bank account.

Joe Biden’s evil plan was to sink the entire U.S. economy along with the stock market if the debt ceiling was not resolved before June 5th.

As a result, the U.S. economy would have collapsed, giving the government the legal right to collect the national debt from every wealthy corporate business out of millions to billions of dollars due to a man made catastrophic default on the Democrats part

The Biden’s lies were just a well written script from the Pinocchio movie if you ask me.

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