
AdSense Site Approvals series | Good and Bad Traffic

AdSense Site Approvals series | Good and Bad Traffic

AdSense Site Approval Series: Episode 3 “Good and Bad Traffic”
Watch the full series here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbAFD4oU9Ycr4j1pViNjkS82rhbF293H8

In this video, Aurora and Andy define what good and bad traffic looks like, to help publishers get their content approved for monetization on Google AdSense.

To learn more, you can have a look at AdSense Site Approvals guidelines → https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/9724
Sign up for an AdSense account here →  https://g.co/StartWithAdSense
Check out the AdSense Program Policies and Restrictions here → https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/48182
Learn about invalid traffic here → https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/16737
How you can prevent invalid traffic → https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/1112983?hl=en&ref_topic=9886078
More information on traffic quality here → https://www.google.com/ads/adtrafficquality/

Make sure to like, share, and leave your questions and requests for future videos in the comment section. Don’t forget to subscribe to the AdSense YouTube channel for our upcoming videos! #GoogleAdSense #AdSense #Google #SiteApprovals #AdSenseApproval #AdSenseApprovals”

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