
A Decentralized Social Network Architecture | Web3.0 | Blockchain Technologies

Billions of people use social networks, and they play a major role in the lifestyles of people in the current world. At the same time with globalization and many more reasons the usage of these social platforms is increasing day by day. Within these platforms lots of activities take place. These networks have a centralized nature leaving the social networks owned companies, space to track and view the activities of the users. Therefore, this has been challenged to the privacy of the data of users where these companies tend to sell them for the third parties keeping huge profits without the permission of users. Being data is the most valuable asset in today’s and tomorrow’s world. This issue has been pointed out by many. As a solution for the problem, decentralized applications have come to play. These platforms are not owned by anyone, and they are community-driven. Since this protects the privacy of the users’ data. This study will focus on developing a decentralized social network architecture on top of the web 3.0 technology stack, that has the basic functionalities of a usual social media platform.

A decentralized social network architecture
research paper: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9568334

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