
Overview of JunoDB – an open source KV store by PayPal

Overview of JunoDB – an open source KV store by PayPal

System Design for Beginners: https://arpitbhayani.me/sys-design
System Design for Experienced Engineers: https://arpitbhayani.me/masterclass
Redis Internals: https://arpitbhayani.me/redis

Paypal recently open-sourced their KV database named JunoDB and I spent a few days going through it to understand its features and guarantees.

In a series of videos, I will be going through the database and talking about the key details and decisions they took while building this. In the process, we will understand how a production-grade KV store is built.

This is the first video of the series, and in this one, I will be giving you an overview of the database, how it differs from Redis, and at the end we will talk about Latency Bridging and JunoDB solves it for Paypal.


– https://medium.com/paypal-tech/unlocking-the-power-of-junodb-paypals-key-value-store-goes-open-source-ee85f935bdc1
– https://github.com/paypal/junodb


00:00 Introduction
01:35 Overview of JunoDB
04:45 Why PayPal did not use Redis
08:23 JunoDB as a Cache
10:35 JunoDB for Idempotency
12:08 JunoDB for Latency Bridging

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Together, we will build some of the most amazing systems and dissect them to understand the intricate details. You can find the week-by-week curriculum and topics, benefits, testimonials, and other information here


### Other links

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You can find handwritten notes and text notes about this video at https://arpitbhayani.me.

Until next time, stay awesome 🙂

Yours truly,

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