邓伦/鄧倫 封神演义子虚MV 深情的狐仙 [DengLun] ZiXu MV – the Loving Fox Fairy

邓伦/鄧倫 封神演义子虚MV 深情的狐仙 [DengLun] ZiXu MV – the Loving Fox Fairy

邓伦/鄧倫  封神演义子虚MV  深情的狐仙 [DengLun] ZiXu MV - the Loving Fox Fairy

邓伦 子虚专辑 深情的狐仙
22岁,还是稚嫩的少年,怎么就把这么难度大的角色给演活了!看过视频,说实话还是会被这举手投足间的灵动,会被那双摄人心魄的眼睛所吸引!不得不夸,我们@邓伦 演技真的太棒了
22岁,还是稚嫩的少年,怎么就把这么难度大的角色给演活了!看过视频,说实话还是会被这举手投足间的灵动,会被那双摄人心魄的眼睛所吸引!不得不夸,我们@邓伦 演技真的太棒了

鄧倫 子虛專輯 深情的狐仙
修行萬年的狐妖子虛,一朝情動,愛得蕩氣迴腸,心碎神傷!! 讓人牽掛,惹人心疼!
22歲,還是稚嫩的少年,怎麼就把這麼難度大的角色給演活了! 看過視頻,說實話還是會被這舉手投足間的靈動,會被那雙攝人心魄的眼睛所吸引! 不得不誇,我們@鄧倫 演技真的太棒了
22歲,還是稚嫩的少年,怎麼就把這麼難度大的角色給演活了! 看過視頻,說實話還是會被這舉手投足間的靈動,會被那雙攝人心魄的眼睛所吸引! 不得不誇,我們@鄧倫 演技真的太棒了

DengLun as ZiXu MV – the Loving Fox Fairy
DengLun played ZiXu the fox fairy at age 22, who fell in love with a human & lost his life for his lover in the drama.
Practice a million years of fox demon virtual, a sentimental, love to swing back to the intestines, heartbreak! ! Let people worry, hurt!
22 years old, or a young teenager, how to put such a difficult role to live! Have seen the video, to tell you the truth will still be this hand to throw foot between the spirit, will be attracted by those two heart-stopping eyes! I have to boast, we’ve had a really great performance
Today’s time, to leave us lovely, affectionate 🦊 people concerned, distressing!
22 years old, or a young teenager, how to put such a difficult role to live! Have seen the video, to tell you the truth will still be this hand to throw foot between the spirit, will be attracted by those two heart-stopping eyes! I have to boast, we’ve had a really great performance
Today’s time, to leave to lovely, affectionate little fox🦊