
ZK-TLV 0x07 – The Discrete Logarithm Problem – Idan Perl

ZK-TLV 0x07 – The Discrete Logarithm Problem – Idan Perl

The Discrete Logarithm problem (DLP) lies in the heart of many crypto system, including but not limited to Zero Knowledge Proofs. In this talk we will present the problem and discuss a few of the best known algorithms to solve it – or if you are in a crypto kind of mood – attack it. A basic familiarity with group theory will be assumed.

Idan is Lead Cryptographer at Orbs, a public blockchain infrastructure for businesses looking at trust as a competitive strategy. He works in diverse areas of cryptography. Before joining Orbs, he received his phd in mathematics from Ben Gurion University, working in the field of Geometric Group Theory.

Join the discussion and the slides on the zero knowledge facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/800441673459620/

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