
How to install Xilinx ISE on Linux, in 7 easy steps!

How to install Xilinx ISE on Linux, in 7 easy steps!

This video shows how to install Xilinx ISE on Linux. This video references the video linked below for licensing and desktop icon installation.

Licensing and Desktop Icon:

Step 1. Download the correct version of ISE from here:

Step 2. Unzip the download with this command:
tar -xvf Xilinx_ISE_DS_Lin_14.7_1015_1.tar

Step 3. Navigate to the setup file and run this:
sudo ./xsetup

Step 4. Edit the .bash file with nano and add this to the end:
source /opt/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/settings64.sh

Step 5. Run ISE by typing “ise” into the terminal

Step 6. Add a license (found in this video):

Step 7. Add an Icon (found in this video):


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