
The History Of Gallifrey: Part 4 – The Rassilon Era

The History Of Gallifrey: Part 4 – The Rassilon Era

The Rassilon Era, just like his rise, was swift and powerful. Gallifrey at this time was a hub for Empire and Invention, with technologies now considered ancient first being pioneered at this time. But despite its sparkly exterior, this era was wrought with atrocities and warfare. So let’s explore this time.

Intro Music by Dalekium: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub5Gmr89UXA

Some Information Sourced from: https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Doctor_Who_Wiki

0:00 Intro
1:00 Year Zero (The Infinity Doctors, Neverland, Forever)
1:18 The Matrix is Born (Dawn of Time!)
1:29 The Game of Rassilon is Abolished (The Five Doctors)
1:50 No Closer to the Black Sun (4-D War)
2:17 The Racnoss Wars (Empire of the Racnoss, The Runaway Bride, A Brief History of the Time Lords)
2:39 The Great Engineer, Artron (Day of the Master, Deeptime Frontier)
3:31 The Beginning of the Black Sun Time War… Sort of? (Black Sun Rising)
4:11 Skirmish with the Hoothi (Love and War)
4:29 Consequences of the Vondrax / The Watchmaker (Enemy Lines)
4:47 War with the Nestenes (Myths and Legends: Pandoric’s Box)
4:58 Roppen’s Invention (Pandoric’s Box, The Day of the Doctor)
5:19 Non-Interference is Introduced (The Final Chapter, Underworld, The Quantum Archangel)
5:38 Rassilon the Despot / The Other Lives On (Lungbarrow, Cold Fusion)
6:05 Division is Founded (Survivors of the Flux, The Timeless Children, Village of the Angels)
6:21 The Siege of Atropos (Once, Upon Time, The Halloween Apocalypse)
6:48 The Millenium War (The Quantum Archangel)
7:42 Rassilon The Weakened (The Five Doctors, The Tides of Time, Neverland, etc)
7:54 Outro

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