
Install External Node Exporter in Centos | Prometheus for beginners – 5

Install External Node Exporter in Centos | Prometheus for beginners – 5

In this video i have discussed about Installing Node exporter in another machine and configure Prometheus to scrape the node exporter date another machine

Introduction to prometheus – https://youtu.be/hEa_QbFlNnM
Installing Prometheus on Ubuntu – https://youtu.be/TczZyKuxpDA
Prometheus User Interface – https://youtu.be/VUQ6RudYh_w
Install Prometheus Node Exporter – https://youtu.be/W43UGN8fyqA

Github link – https://github.com/DeekshithSN/Prometheus/wiki/Install-Node-Exporter-and-Start-as-a-Service

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