Tuesday Tech Tip – Showcasing the Power of dm-crypt on Linux

Tuesday Tech Tip – Showcasing the Power of dm-crypt on Linux

Tuesday Tech Tip - Showcasing the Power of dm-crypt on Linux

Every second Tuesday, we will be releasing a tech tip video that will give users information on various topics relating to our Storinator storage servers.

This week, Mitch is back to expand on a previous video Brett did around Self-Encrypting Drives.

In this video, Mitch takes a look at one of the main ways encryption-at-rest can be achieved with software in Linux with DM-crypt via LUKS. He explains how it works, and also how it compares to self-encrypting drives.

Check out our previous video on self-encrypting drives: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzkBytliWJo

00:00 – Introduction
00:25 – Achieving Encryption at Rest via Software
01:13 – What is dm-crypt?
02:07 – How does dm-crypt compare to self-encrypting drives?
04:38 – ZFS, Ceph and Data Encryption at Rest
05:29 – Live Demo: How to use dm-crypt in Linux
23:04 – Outro/Conclusion

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