
Why are cloud platforms like Azure or AWS more expensive than dedicated server providers like Het…

Why are cloud platforms like Azure or AWS more expensive than dedicated server providers like Het…

Why are cloud platforms like Azure or AWS more expensive than dedicated server providers like Hetzner, OVH or Strato?
I hope you found a solution that worked for you 🙂
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Thanks to all those great people for their contributions!

(serverfault.com/users/1017537/tcwlm)tcwlm |
(serverfault.com/users/37681/hbruijn)HBruijn |
A special thanks goes out to the (https://serverfault.com/questions/1129847/why-are-cloud-platforms-like-azure-or-aws-more-expensive-than-dedicated-server-p)Stackexchange community |

I wish you all a wonderful day! Stay safe 🙂

cloud azure amazon-web-services hetzner ovh

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