HOW TO: Install and Use Python in Git Bash for Windows 10?

HOW TO: Install and Use Python in Git Bash for Windows 10?

HOW TO: Install and Use Python in Git Bash for Windows 10?

How to install and use Python in Git Bash for Windows?

UPDATE: If the python command doesn’t work, try run this in git bash:
alias python=’winpty python.exe’

1. Download and install git for windows at:
2. Download and install Anaconda for windows at:
(scroll down a little and click the ‘Download’ button)
3. Open ‘Anaconda Prompt’ or ‘Git Bash’ and run: conda init bash
If you are in ‘Git Bash’ run: echo ‘. ${HOME}/.bash_profile’ &gt &gt /.bashrc
N.B. I can’t put angled brackets in here.
4. Reopen ‘Git Bash’ and you should see (base) in the first line. Now you can run: ipython
5. That’s it!

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