Fixing Valheim Dedicated Server Lag – Web Based

Fixing Valheim Dedicated Server Lag – Web Based

Fixing Valheim Dedicated Server Lag - Web Based


Modifying Send/Receive Limits via dnSpy program.

In this video, I modify the send/receive limits for a Valheim Dedicated Server on Bisect Hosting.

In Valheim, when you play multiplayer, the server lags really bad when you are close to other players/within proximity. This is due to the low sending and receiving limits within the Valheim source code. Modding the game drastically increases the lag, especially with the EpicLoot Mod. We love this mod, so removing it wasn’t an option.

Valheim, Mods, Dedicated Server, How to Fix Lag in a Dedicated Sever in Valheim, I lag when I’m close to other players, other players make me lag, send limits, receive limits, bisecthosting, web based hosting, web hosting, online hosting lag