
Wordpress Eng 11: Cloudflare configuration

Wordpress Eng 11: Cloudflare configuration

Making a WordPress website from scratch can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and guidance, it can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that allows you to easily create and manage a website without needing to know how to code. In order to make a WordPress website from scratch, you’ll need to choose a hosting provider, install WordPress, choose a theme and customize it to fit your needs, and add plugins to extend the functionality of your site. With some patience and effort, you can create a beautiful and functional website that reflects your brand and meets your goals.

I’m @elprofesorms and I’m going to teach you how to make your first Wordpress Website correctly and from scratch.

**** Here are some important links:

Namecheap for Hosting, Domain names and SSL:

Envato Market for Wordpress themes and Plugins:

Envato Element: Graphics and Music

Fiverr: Freelances

Fiverr Gigs for our Marketing services:

If you need READY MARKETING ltd to make the job for you, please feel free to check our services in the link below.

A good comment will be welcome on trustpilot

***A full Wordpress Website Creation Playlist Eng:

✔️Free Wordpress Training 🥰 : Make your first successful website👍

Wordpress Eng: Promo video and Certification
Wordpress Eng 01: Shared and Reseller hosting VPS and Dedicated servers
Wordpress Eng 02: Hosting and Domain names
Wordpress Eng 03: Domain name linking and SSL
Wordpress Eng 04: Install SSL using CSR in Cpanel or WHM
Wordpress Eng 05: Emai Pro Configuration
Wordpress Eng 06: Wordpress Installation
Wordpress Eng 07: Cpanel Training
Wordpress Eng 08: Premium Theme Installation
Wordpress Eng 09: Plugins Installation
Wordpress Eng 10: Woocommerce and Online store
Wordpress Eng 11: Cloudflare configuration
Wordpress Eng 12: Some Wordpress errors

La liste de lecture complète de création de site Web Wordpress version FR:

****Video Script
Hi; this is elprofesor ms and I will show you how to protect your website with couldflare.
First, signup to cloudflare using your email and password.
Add your domain name that you need to protect.
Choose the free plan.
Check the DNS if they are all ok.
Go and copy past nameservers given by cloudfaire in your hosting provider.
Follow the steps as the video tutorial gradually. Namecheap has all explanations need for enabling couldflaire protection.
Now your site is protected.
Is you are under a DDOS attack, you can enable under attack option.
The DDOS can harm the hosting server of your site.
You can choose which attack level you have.
Also if you can activate development mode if your site is under maintenance.
Choose full strict in SSL/TLS.
Other option are available with upgrading plans.
By @elprofesorms
Get certified in Wordpress
Will be available soon

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