
Sun Head The Crystal Pre-Release Sneak Peek

Sun Head The Crystal Pre-Release Sneak Peek

Here are the first six tracks of the yet to be released album “The Crytstal,” by Sun Head, (Oliver John and Hixon).

This is an unlisted, pre-release sneak peek for those of you where not lucky enough to attend the listening event August 27th and are lucky enough to have someone share this with you.

Reserve 20 minutes. Get your headphones, turn off the lights, lie down, close your eyes, turn it up.


00:00 – Beddy Byes
02:34 – The Crystal
05:16 – The Wizard
09:13 – Marblehead
12:44 – The Earth is Hollow and I have Touched the Sky
14:58 – Orphan Annie

Copyright 2022 Oliver John, Hixon. All rights reserved. .

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