
Load data from XML into PostgreSQL without coding

Load data from XML into PostgreSQL without coding

Want to import XML data to PostgreSQL table without programming?

You can try Withdata FileToDB, a native GUI tool, no need to program, just a few mouse clicks!

Support multiple types of file, such as TXT, CSV, TSV, Excel, JSON, XML, RDF, etc.

Support multiple types of RDBMS, such as Access, DB2, DBF, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, SQLite, Amazon Redshift, Azure SQL, etc.

Support Windows, Linux, macOS.

For more Withdata FileToDB information, https://withdata.com/file-to-db/?f=v&r=a5c1mn

To download, https://withdata.com/file-to-db/download.html?f=v&r=a5c1mn

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