The Future of Blockchain Development w/ Bruno Calabretta | Blackfiles business podcast | 08

The Future of Blockchain Development w/ Bruno Calabretta | Blackfiles business podcast | 08

The Future of Blockchain Development w/ Bruno Calabretta | Blackfiles business podcast | 08

This is one of the rarer podcasts where I was actually surprised and learned more of the tech by the end of the recording. Blockchain isn’t the sexiest of topics, its very geeky and not very visual. However Blockchain is the fundamental part of the whole Web3.0 infrastructure.

Speaking to Bruno Calabretta, the founder of Web3 Aurora Coaching and Blockchain Development Manager at Federitaly, we touched on the basics of blockchain, the interesting development in Blockchain beyond its usage in Cryptocurrency and how should businesses go around implementing Blockchain in their business.

If you want to get in touch with Bruno Calabretta for yourself you can do it now at

You can get in touch with the creator of this channel and podcast, Ivan at:

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