
【明熹宗朱由校】他是文盲是皇帝,是頂級木匠大師,技術堪比魯班,躲過核爆 龍捲風,卻死在餿掉的米粥

【明熹宗朱由校】他是文盲是皇帝,是頂級木匠大師,技術堪比魯班,躲過核爆 龍捲風,卻死在餿掉的米粥


00:00 序言
00:17 木匠皇帝
03:47 大太監魏忠賢
07:02 英年早逝

明熹宗朱由校(1605年12月23日-1627年9月30日),明朝第十五位皇帝,明光宗朱常洛長子,生母選侍王氏,明思宗朱由檢异母兄。 16歲即位,在位七年(1620年-1627年)。
朱由校在位期間,魏忠賢與客氏專權,製造了“乙丑詔獄”“丙寅詔獄”等冤獄,殘酷迫害企圖改良明朝政治的東林黨人。 魏忠賢閹黨對東林黨人的迫害不斷激起民變。 其時,國內各種社會矛盾激化。 主要憂患來自遼東後金對明朝的威脅。 朱由校即位後罷免有膽知兵的遼東經略熊廷弼,致使後金攻陷瀋陽、遼陽,遼東局勢日趨嚴峻。 天啟元年(1621年)三月,為穩定遼東,再次起用熊廷弼為遼東經略。 熊廷弼根據遼東實際情況,製定了三方佈置策。 而掌握遼東實際兵權的巡撫王化貞,卻不顧當時敵強我弱、容易被各個擊破的危險,力主分兵把守,全面進攻。 在閹黨策劃下,堅持正確方略的熊廷弼被殺,遼東戰局陷於重重危機
天啟七年(1627年)五月,因划船嬉戲,溺水獲疾。 後雖痊癒,仍沉緬於聲色犬馬之中,飲“仙方靈露飲”,以求長生。 八月二十二日,崩於乾清宮,終年23歲,遺詔以皇五弟信王朱由檢嗣皇帝位。 諡號達天闡道敦孝篤友章文襄武靖穆莊勤悊皇帝,廟號熹宗。 葬於明十三陵之德陵

Zhu you school of emperor Xizong of the Ming Dynasty (December 23, 1605 September 30, 1627), the 15th emperor of the Ming Dynasty, the eldest son of Zhu Changluo of emperor Guangzong of the Ming Dynasty, and his biological mother chose to serve the Wang family, and Zhu you, a different mother and brother of emperor Sizong of the Ming Dynasty. He ascended the throne at the age of 16 and reigned for seven years (1620-1627).

During Zhu Youxiao’s reign, Wei Zhongxian and the Hakka monopolized power, creating unjust prisons such as “Yichou imperial prison” and “Bingyin imperial prison”, cruelly persecuting Donglin Party members who tried to improve the politics of the Ming Dynasty. Wei Zhongxian’s eunuch Party’s persecution of the Donglin Party has constantly aroused popular uprisings. At that time, various domestic social contradictions intensified. The main worry comes from the threat of the Late Jin Dynasty in Eastern Liaoning to the Ming Dynasty. After Zhu Youxiao ascended the throne, Xiong Tingbi, the strategist of Liaodong who had the courage to know the soldiers, was dismissed, resulting in the later Jin Dynasty’s capture of Shenyang and Liaoyang, and the situation in Liaodong became more and more serious. In March of the first year of the Apocalypse (1621), in order to stabilize Liaodong, Xiong Tingbi was again used as the strategy of Liaodong. Xiong Tingbi formulated the tripartite layout strategy according to the actual situation in Eastern Liaoning. However, Wang Huazhen, the governor who had the actual military power in Eastern Liaoning, regardless of the danger that the enemy was strong and we were weak and easy to be broken by each one at that time, urged separate troops to guard and attack in an all-round way. Under the planning of the eunuch party, Xiong Tingbi, who adhered to the correct strategy, was killed, and the war situation in Eastern Liaoning was in many crises

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