
MongoDB Aggregation Simplified Using Java Language | MongoDB JAVA Aggregation Explained 2020

MongoDB Aggregation Simplified Using Java Language | MongoDB JAVA Aggregation Explained 2020

In this Tutorial we will learn How to use Aggregation in MongoDB Using Java Language with focus on how the Aggregation Pipeline works.

Referance Blog Link: https://simplifyingtechcode.wordpress.com/2020/10/12/mongodb-java-aggregation-simplified/
All code is available on Github:

When you query MongoDB for desired filters, you want to group your results and provide metrics such as total counts or averages. In these cases, you’ll want to use aggregation to accomplish the task.

Aggregation framework and Pipeline

– Get Input from Mongo Collection and send mongo documents through one or more stages
– Each stage perform different operations in the Pipeline like match, Project lookup etc
– Each stage take as Input whatever the stage before produced as Output.
– At end of Pipeline we get the output of the transformed and aggregated Output
#MongoDbJavaAggregation, #MongoDBAggregation, #MongoDBPipelineJava

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