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now most Network models follow the OSI the open system interconnect model of networking it’s composed of seven different layers layer 7 is the application layer layer 6 is presentation layer 5 is session layer four is transport 3 is network two is data link in layer one is the physical layer the layers all work together to create a system of communication that allows for different types of computing systems or networks to communicate with each other reliably now layer 4 or the transport layer receives data from the session layer layer five and it determines what method or type of delivery is required for that data the transport layer then hands the data with instructions for the method of delivery to layer 3 the network layer which is then responsible for determining where the data is going now there are two main protocols used in the transport layer those Protocols are TCP and UDP with that let’s jump into the introduction to TCP so TCP stands for transmission control protocol now it’s a protocol that determines the type of delivery method that will be used in network communication TCP uses a reliable method of delivery and by that TCP helps to set up the connection session it establishes error control and then it helps to tear down the network session once the communication is completed now part of tcp’s reliable delivery method is its three-way handshake the first part of the handshake is a request for a connection it then receives the response from the other end that’s the second part the third part is when TCP sends an acknowledgment back that also sets the sequence number that will be used in this stream of communication now every packet that gets sent must be acknowledged by the receiver if the sender doesn’t receive the acknowledgment of a packet the sender will then resend the packet all packets are sent and received in order now this does cause some Network overhead but TCP doesn’t care about the overhead now let’s move on to the introduction of UDP UDP stands for user datagram protocol and it’s a protocol that determines the type of delivery method that will be used in network communication just like TCP in contrast to TCP UDP uses an unreliable method of delivery it doesn’t help to set up the connection session it doesn’t establish error control and it doesn’t help to tear down the network session now UDP could better be described as a best effort delivery method it sends the data stream to the destination trusting that the destination is a listening for the data stream and B willing to accept that data stream the data stream flows with no acknowledgment of it being received UDP doesn’t care if the other end of the stream actually receives the data it’s going to send it anyways now not all Network traffic can be treated the same that is why there are both reliable and unreliable delivery methods with TCP the sender can be assured that the other end of the line has received all of the packets that were sent and that the packets were received in the proper order this works really well for communication that is not sensitive to latency issues that are associated with the overhead of reliable delivery UDP on the other hand strips off the overhead but sacrifices reliability it is suited for network communication in which speed is more important than reliability when using voice over IP VoIP it is more important for the flow of packets to be continuous than to be held up while waiting for packets to arrive in the right order or waiting for an acknowledgment VoIP communication can survive the occasional drop packet

Publication Permissions: Original video was published with the Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed).
Attribution Credits:
Source: https://www.youtube.com/@PaceITOnline
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