
How to Setup Create custom domain email accounts with Vultr VPS Hosting Server – Plesk control panel

How to Setup Create custom domain email accounts with Vultr VPS Hosting Server – Plesk control panel

In this video you can learn How to Setup Email Server with Vultr VPS Server Plesk control panel and create emails account with your own domain.

First part of video series – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3R1Fcn7J6U4

Step by Step Email accounts setup – https://smarthelpguides.com/how-to-setup-email-server-on-vultr-vps-with-plesk/
➡ Direct Vultr Free Signup Credit – https://smarthelpguides.com/newvultrvps
➡ Vultr VPS Setup and other tutorials – https://smarthelpguides.com/how-to-install-plesk-web-admin-control-panel-for-free/
➡ DNS checker and other links also on above link.

0:00 Intro
0:38 Setup VPS and Install SSL certificate
1:08 setup reverse dns
2:09 Enable mail server from plesk control panel
4:26 DNS records for email SPF, DKIM, DMARC
6:50 DKIM record in plesk control panel
9:08 Glue records (DNS records alternative)
11:54 check port 25 open or not
12:40 Create email address
14:30 login to webmail
14:50 Send test email and check email message score
17:15 Troubleshoot and verify email records
18:39 Test email to inbox gmail

Why emails are not getting sent
Check port 25 is blocked or not.

Can I use this email server for marketing emails
No. Vultr do not allow any mass email. Use this only for transactional emails after confirming with vultr or they could terminate your site.

Why emails are going to spam
Check all records SPF, DKIM, DMARC are set properly. You are using good domain extension and your ip is not blacklisted.

Can I use this with other email client

Use with SMTP in wordpress
Yes. Full tutorial will be created soon.

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