
PostgreSQL Refcursor || Cursors In PostgreSQL || Part 4 Refcursor Cursor || PostgreSQL Refcursor

PostgreSQL Refcursor || Cursors In PostgreSQL || Part 4 Refcursor Cursor || PostgreSQL Refcursor

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In this video, we will discuss the cursors available in PostgreSQL.
We cover refcursor cursors in this video.

Using a Refcursor, one can return a set of records or a table of data as output from a function in PostgreSQL.

Download and Load Sample Database: https://youtu.be/oLxoeRFRzMI
Correct Binary Paths: https://youtu.be/219xC6Zhpls
Raise Notice Video: https://youtu.be/Udefd8OfPIs
Stored Procedure Create and Call: https://youtu.be/lya-ojs0FiY
Exception Handling: https://youtu.be/zC6rWp_NOic
PostgreSQL Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSU32T6nmU25z8VBhc4KzRBKyscflMQSz

1. Simple Cursor: https://youtu.be/KLqWWr-166E
2. Parameterized Cursor: https://youtu.be/zUFgqxQYmFI
3. For Loop Cursor: https://youtu.be/hQ7QYGZFNCA
4. Refcursor: https://youtu.be/hzIRnH5ls9Q

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