
LiveCoding6: Deployment for Svelte+Golang+Tarantool+Clickhouse

LiveCoding6: Deployment for Svelte+Golang+Tarantool+Clickhouse

Let’s play with Golang, Svelte, Tarantool, and Clickhouse

This stream is demo on how to do deployment, attempting to use Nomad but failed because Multipass wont start, so just using normal rsync/systemd/docker-compose starting at 41:05

Why Svelte? very similar to normal HTML but with automatic reactivity https://svelte.dev
Why Golang? easy to read/maintain, static type checking, good performance and memory usage, quick compile https://go.dev
Why Tarantool? fast for OLTP use-case https://tarantool.io
Why Clickhouse? fast for OLAP use-case https://clickhouse.com

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