
Display NFTs owned by a user's wallet | Vanilla Javascript | Web3 Developer

Discord – https://discord.gg/tZnnTwV9M2
Twitter – https://twitter.com/Web3Club

Code – https://gist.github.com/shobhitic/b197b9a4c80fb712984dd2b4a811ab97

Collection – https://opensea.io/collection/pluto-the-planet

Contract – https://polygonscan.com/address/0xa865d651ec9cdb7107e509be8b44373bd77d39c6#readContract

OpenZeppelin wizard – https://wizard.openzeppelin.com/#erc721

00:00 Intro
01:10 Explaining the workflow with smart contract
03:11 Creating the index.html file and starting the server
03:53 Adding web3.js to our site
04:12 Connecting site to metamask
05:32 Create contract variable and connection
07:39 Forcing connectiong to a specific chain on metamask
09:29 Find number of NFTs user owns
10:12 Find all the token IDs owned by user
12:06 Finding the tokenURI for all the NFTs owned by user
13:21 Fetching metadata
17:12 Creating the UI
18:53 Putting data into the UI
22:10 Outro

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