
7-How to set up 3 node kubernetes cluster – 3 | Kubernetes Hands On (English)

7-How to set up 3 node kubernetes cluster – 3 | Kubernetes Hands On (English)

How to set up 3 node kubernetes cluster.

Here is a general high-level overview of the steps involved in setting up a 3-node Kubernetes cluster using CentOS 7 VMs:

Provision three CentOS 7 virtual machines (VMs) with adequate resources (e.g., CPU, memory, and storage). You can use a hypervisor like VirtualBox or VMware to create the VMs.

Update the CentOS 7 VMs and install any necessary dependencies. For example, you might need to install docker, kubelet, kubeadm, and kubectl.

Disable the swap space on each node, as Kubernetes requires this to be disabled for optimal performance.

Initialize the Kubernetes control plane on the first node using kubeadm init. This will generate a Kubernetes configuration file and join token that you will need to use later to add the other nodes to the cluster.

Join the other two nodes to the cluster using the kubeadm join command with the generated join token from step 4.

Verify that all nodes are successfully joined to the cluster by running kubectl get nodes from the master node.

(Optional) Configure networking for the cluster using a Container Network Interface (CNI) like Calico or Flannel.

This is a high-level overview, and the exact steps involved may vary depending on your specific use case and environment.

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