
Trace Path | Hindi | GFG POTD | C++ | Java | Code Kar Lo

Trace Path | Hindi | GFG POTD | C++ | Java | Code Kar Lo

There is a rectangular path for a Train to travel consisting of n rows and m columns. The train will start from one of the grid’s cells and it will be given a command in the form of string s consisting of characters L, R, D, U. Find if it is possible to travel the train inside the grid only.
If the train is at position (i,j)
on taking ‘L’ it goes to (i,j-1),
on taking ‘R’ it goes to (i,j+1),
on taking ‘D’ it goes to (i-1,j),
on taking ‘U’ it goes to (i+1,j).

0:00 Introduction
0:15 Problem Statement
1:38 White Board Explanation
10:00 Complexity Analysis
10:15 C++ Code
13:20 Java Code

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Code Link:-https://github.com/ShubhamKashyap138/Data-Structure/blob/main/Trace%20Path

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