Fox News Hit With ANOTHER Defamation Lawsuit As Scandals Deepen

Fox News Hit With ANOTHER Defamation Lawsuit As Scandals Deepen

Fox News Hit With ANOTHER Defamation Lawsuit As Scandals Deepen

A former Biden administration official has hit Fox News with a defamation lawsuit, alleging that the network spent 8 months trashing her in roughly 300 different segments. The former official is Nina Jankowicz, who briefly served as the head of the Disinformation Governance Board, was trashed by the network for everything possible, with Tucker Carlson going as far as to suggest that she could send armed agents to your door to police your speech. But the real story is that no one is afraid to go after the Fox powerhouse anymore, as Farron Cousins explains.

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Man, the hits just keep on coming for Fox News, don’t they? As I talked about earlier this week, Fox News was recently hit with a shareholder lawsuit, uh, uh, over their lies with the 2020 election. And of course, the Dominion settlement called shareholders a lot of money. So they’re suing. Well, couple days later, Fox News got hit with another lawsuit this time not regarding their 2020 election lies like the shareholder lawsuit and the pending smart mad lawsuit. Nope. This one was brought by a former member of the Biden administration by the name of Nina Janovicz. And, uh, Ms. Janovic says that, uh, Fox News engaged in a campaign to not only smear her, but also to smear the board, the disinformation oversight board that she very briefly was the head of over a span of eight months. According to this lawsuit, there were more than 300 mentions of Nina Janovicz on Fox News.

Let me read this. This is, uh, according to the New York Times right wing pundits and politicians falsely portrayed her, her group as a part of an Orwellian bid to control the speech and thought of ordinary Americans. Ms. Janovic, a prominent specialist in Russian disinformation and online harassment, became the primary subject of their attacks. In 300 mentions over eight months on Fox last year, she was repeatedly demeaned and defamed in highly personal language. The lawsuit asserts hosts, including Tucker Carlson, Maria Bartiromo, and Sean Hannity, it’s always the usual suspects, isn’t it? Said her job was quote to silence anyone who criticizes the Biden administration, and possibly even as Mr. Carlson warned, quote, get men with guns to tell you to shut up the unit. Ms. Janovic briefly headed, uh, briefly headed, called the Disinformation Governance Board, had no such powers or any direct authority to affect speech.

The department created it to help unify and oversee existing efforts by its various divisions to monitor and defend against disinformation from foreign agents seeking to influence elections cartels, promoting human smuggling operations, and those seeking to undermine the government’s public health and safety efforts. After she resigned following months and months of harassment, Fox News then got on the air and falsely claimed that she was fired. A claim like that saying an individual was fired rather than being re resign, uh, rather than resigning, excuse me, can absolutely affect whether or not that individual is able to get a job in the future, which would mean this person suffered financial damages, which is basically laying the groundwork for the defamation lawsuit that she is now filed against the network. Now, I remember this, I mean, of course, I should remember it, it was a year ago maybe, but right wing media was having an absolute field

Day smearing this woman. They tried to say that she was somehow mentally unstable. I mean, if you go back and look at what right wing media was saying about Nina Janowitz just a year ago, it was horrific. Now, the question is, can she, as a public official, when these lies were being told, meet the standard for defamation? Because as a public official, the bar is higher, so it’s much more difficult for her to prove. If she had just been an average citizen, like somebody named, oh, I don’t know, hunter Biden, it’d be much easier to, uh, win this lawsuit. So she’s got a long road ahead of her. But here’s the thing, the Smart ma, uh, not smart, mad, excuse me, the Dominion Defamation lawsuit opened the door to show everybody else in this country that has been smeared by Fox News that it is not impossible, that you can be victorious.

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