IPv6 Address Planning Survival Guide (Tom Coffeen)

IPv6 Address Planning Survival Guide (Tom Coffeen)

IPv6 Address Planning Survival Guide (Tom Coffeen)

In this 45 minute presentation made during the Packet Pushers Virtual Design Clinic 4 held on March 14, 2019, Tom Coffeen, Co-founder of HexaBuild, presents the do’s and don’t of IPv6 address planning in the format of a survival guide.

Tom dives into what folks coming from an IPv4 address planning background get wrong, stressing the point that there is no such thing as wasted address space when it comes to IPv6. With IPv6, address planning is not about address conservation AT ALL. Instead, engineers need to plan for rational addressing on nibble boundaries, and nothing smaller than a /64. Ever. Really.

Think Tom’s nuts? He’s not. He made a bunch of mistakes so that you don’t have to, sharing his wisdom gained by experience in this discussion. Not sure why you should listen to this Tom person? Tom wrote the book on IPv6 address planning. He’s also one of the hosts on the IPv6 Buzz podcast, part of the Packet Pushers network.

IPv6 Buzz recorded a follow-up podcast to this presentation. Listen to it here. https://packetpushers.net/podcast/ipv6-buzz-024-enterprise-ipv6-address-planning-revisited/

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