Create Unlimited HL7 Testing Data with our FREE CORE HL7 Viewer!

Create Unlimited HL7 Testing Data with our FREE CORE HL7 Viewer!

Create Unlimited HL7 Testing Data with our FREE CORE HL7 Viewer!

Version 2 of our FREE CORE HL7 Viewer software not only displays HL7 messages in a graphical HTML Viewport, has customizable HL7 definitions that provide context sensitive tooltips and reports and provides a Hex view to look at HL7 messages in Hexadecimal. It now also allows you to browse your CORE HL7 Database tables created with our CORE HL7 MS SQL Schema Engine.

With HL7 Message Transformations you can now clone even a single HL7 message into an UNLIMITED number of unique messages to use for testing.

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