
Learn Golang in an Hour

Learn Golang in an Hour

Learn the basic features of Golang in an hour. Learn how to program using Golang, an open-source programming language developed by Google.

Golang, also known as Go, is a modern programming language designed to make it easy to write efficient, reliable, and scalable software. It has gained popularity in recent years due to its simplicity, speed, and concurrency support. It is used by companies like Google, Uber, Netflix, and Dropbox to build large-scale systems.

In this course, you will start by creating your first Golang program, a “Hello World” project. You will then learn about variable types in Golang, including integers, floats, strings, and Booleans. You will learn how to declare variables and constants, and how to use them in your programs.

Next, you will learn how to create functions in Golang. You will learn how to define functions, pass arguments, and return values. You will also learn about loops in Golang, including for loops and while loops, and how to use them to iterate through arrays and other data structures.

In addition to loops, you will also learn about logical statements in Golang, including if statements, switch statements, and conditional expressions. These statements allow you to make decisions in your programs based on the values of variables and other conditions.

Finally, you will apply your knowledge of Golang to a sample project, where you will build a program that uses functions, loops, and logical statements to solve a problem.

I am excited to guide you through this course and help you learn Golang. By the end of this course, you will have a strong foundation in Golang programming and be ready to take on more advanced Golang projects.

What you’ll learn

Basics about Golang
Why We Use Golang
How to Code Golang
Making a Simple Game on Golang

#Go #Golang #Morioh

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