WebSocket in .NET Standard with UWP and Xamarin – .NET Concept of the Week – Episode 2

WebSocket in .NET Standard with UWP and Xamarin – .NET Concept of the Week – Episode 2

WebSocket in .NET Standard with UWP and Xamarin - .NET Concept of the Week - Episode 2

In this episode we create a .NET Standard library that connects to a server via WebSocket and fetches real time bitcoin data. We will use this .NET Standard library in a Xamarin.iOS and in a UWP application.

Source code of the sample application: https://github.com/gregkalapos/DotNetConceptOfTheWeek

Cryptocompare API:

Web: http://www.kalapos.net
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gregkalapos

Music: www.bensound.com