
fullScreenCover | SwiftUI | Episode 28

fullScreenCover | SwiftUI | Episode 28

fullScreenCover: Same as sheet, but it is not possible to drag down view presented using fullScreenCover.

@Environment: Property wrapper that reads a value from view’s environment.
Examples: Device Locale, Device Dark/Light Mode etc.

@Environment(.presentationMode): iOS 14 or below: Indication whether view is currently presented by another view.

@Environment(.dismiss): iOS 15 or later: An action that dismiss current presentation.

Github Link: https://github.com/meetAhmed/SwiftUIPlayground/blob/feature/roadmap/SwiftUIPlayGround/FullScreenCoverPlayground.swift

Playlist Link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiGcDuWj7S91Vsw1LwdJcPOrPSlKyOWlh

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