
UbuntuDDE: New Ubuntu Remix With Deepin Desktop is a Beauty

UbuntuDDE: New Ubuntu Remix With Deepin Desktop is a Beauty

UbuntuDDE is a new upcoming Linux distribution based on Ubuntu and features the Deepin desktop environment.

Deepin desktop is known for its looks. The UbuntuDDE distribution makes it easier to use Deepin desktop on Ubuntu.

The distribution is in development and will see its first stable release in the form of UbuntuDDE 20.04.

More information here: https://itsfoss.com/ubuntudde/
UpCloud signup link: https://www.upcloud.com/register/?promo=itsfoss

Video team: Ankush Das, Rohini Rachita and Abhishek Prakash
Music Credits : Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (by Mozart)

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