
Ubuntu 23.04 Cloud init Image with sudo Password on Proxmox

Ubuntu 23.04 Cloud init Image with sudo Password on Proxmox

This walks the viewer how to make a ubuntu 23.04 cloud init image and set it up on Proxmox so that you have a sudo password

Links and Commands
Image Found at: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/releases/23.04/release/

Download Image:
wget https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/23.04/release/ubuntu-23.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.img

Rename image:
cp ubuntu-23.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.img ubuntu-23-04.qcow2

Install software:
virt-customize -a ubuntu-23-04.qcow2 –install qemu-guest-agent
virt-customize -a ubuntu-23-04.qcow2 –run-command ‘apt-get update’
virt-customize -a ubuntu-23-04.qcow2 –run-command ‘apt-get upgrade -y’
virt-customize -a ubuntu-23-04.qcow2 –run-command ‘adduser test’
virt-customize -a ubuntu-23-04.qcow2 –run-command ‘echo “test:test22” | chpasswd’
virt-customize -a ubuntu-23-04.qcow2 –run-command ‘adduser test sudo’

Resize Image:
qemu-img resize ubuntu-23-04.qcow2 10G

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