Ubuntu 23.04 Cloud init Image with sudo Password on Proxmox

Ubuntu 23.04 Cloud init Image with sudo Password on Proxmox

Ubuntu 23.04 Cloud init Image with sudo Password on Proxmox

This walks the viewer how to make a ubuntu 23.04 cloud init image and set it up on Proxmox so that you have a sudo password

Links and Commands
Image Found at: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/releases/23.04/release/

Download Image:
wget https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/23.04/release/ubuntu-23.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.img

Rename image:
cp ubuntu-23.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.img ubuntu-23-04.qcow2

Install software:
virt-customize -a ubuntu-23-04.qcow2 –install qemu-guest-agent
virt-customize -a ubuntu-23-04.qcow2 –run-command ‘apt-get update’
virt-customize -a ubuntu-23-04.qcow2 –run-command ‘apt-get upgrade -y’
virt-customize -a ubuntu-23-04.qcow2 –run-command ‘adduser test’
virt-customize -a ubuntu-23-04.qcow2 –run-command ‘echo “test:test22” | chpasswd’
virt-customize -a ubuntu-23-04.qcow2 –run-command ‘adduser test sudo’

Resize Image:
qemu-img resize ubuntu-23-04.qcow2 10G

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