
I built a decentralized chat dapp // GUN web3 Tutorial

I built a decentralized chat dapp // GUN web3 Tutorial

Build a decentralized chat app using the GUN JavaScript library. Learn how to use web3 technology to create a peer-to-peer graph database without traditional cloud computing providers. https://gun-chat-dapp.web.app/

#js #web3 #tutorial

🔗 Resources

Live Demo: https://gun-chat-dapp.web.app/
View on Product Hunt: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/gun-2
Docs: https://gun.eco/
Source Code: https://github.com/fireship-io/gun-chat

📚 Chapters

00:00 Intro
00:56 How it Works
03:11 Setup
03:30 User Authentication
07:43 Chat Messages

🤓 Install the quiz app

iOS https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fireship/id1462592372?mt=8
Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.fireship.quizapp

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Topics Covered

– Pros and Cons of Web3 development
– How to develop decentralized apps
– WebRTC
– End-to-End e2e encryption for chat
– Using Svelte to build a chat UI

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