
How to Get A Domain Email Address

How to Get A Domain Email Address

You’ve just launched your brand new business or personal website – now what? Your next likely step would be to get a custom domain email account that syncs with your business name or portfolio. In this video I’ll walk you through the steps of how to make an email address with your business name in it. Learning how to make customized business email addresses has never been easier!

In your DreamHost control panel, click the ‘Mail’ tab, and select
‘Manage Email.’

On the next screen, click ‘Create New Email Address.’

Here, you’ll need to complete some fields. First, type the left half
of your new email address, and select a domain from the dropdown list.
The ‘mailbox name’ is just an internal name for you to identify the
account in your control panel, so put anything you want here.

Then, create a password, or select the option to ‘Pick a password for me.’
Now you’ll need to decide how much space you want for your email
account. Smaller mailboxes tend to load faster, so the default is set
to 200 megabytes. If you clean your inbox from time to time, this
should be plenty of space to get started.

However, all DreamHost email plans support mailboxes up to 25 gigabytes, so feel free to adjust this if you need more space.

The rest of the settings on this page have to do with email management. If your webhosting plan includes email hosting, you’ll see a success message after these fields are filled out. Otherwise, you’ll need to complete payment before moving on.

To access the email addresses you created using webmail, just navigate to the ‘Webmail’ tab in the ‘Mail’ section of your control panel. Now would also be a good time to set up email on your phone, or in a mail client such as Outlook. Our knowledge base has more instructions on that if you need some help!

And that’s it! This tutorial on how to create an email address with your website name is just that quick.

For more additional tips on how to create a customized email address at DreamHost, visit us at dreamhost.com/grow or check out more of our handy tutorials, see you next time!

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