Databases with Python: MySQL, SQLite & MongoDB with Python

Databases with Python: MySQL, SQLite & MongoDB with Python

Databases with Python: MySQL, SQLite & MongoDB with Python

Learn and understand how to work with SQL and NoSQL Databases with the Python Programming Language.
Databases with Python: MySQL, SQLite & MongoDB with Python


In this comprehensive video tutorial, you’ll learn about the three most popular databases used with Python programming language – MySQL, SQLite, and MongoDB. We will cover everything you need to know about each of these databases, including installation and setup, data manipulation, querying, and more. By the end of this video, you will have a solid understanding of how to use these databases with Python and be ready to incorporate them into your own projects.

Video Content:
In the first section of the video, we will cover MySQL, a popular relational database management system. We’ll start with an overview of MySQL and how it works, then move on to installation and setup. We’ll also cover data types, creating and manipulating tables, and querying data.

Next, we’ll move on to SQLite, a lightweight and versatile database that’s perfect for smaller projects. We’ll cover installation and setup, data manipulation, and querying data. We’ll also discuss the differences between SQLite and MySQL and when you might want to use one over the other.

Finally, we’ll cover MongoDB, a NoSQL database that’s perfect for handling unstructured data. We’ll cover installation and setup, data manipulation, and querying data. We’ll also discuss the differences between SQL and NoSQL databases and when you might want to use one over the other.

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Additional Keywords and Tags:
Python, Databases, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB, Data Manipulation, Data Querying, Relational Databases, NoSQL Databases, Programming Tutorials, Python Tutorials, Database Tutorials, Programming Languages, Data Science, Web Development

Hashtags: #Python #Databases #MySQL #SQLite #MongoDB #Programming #DataManipulation #DataQuerying #NoSQL #RelationalDatabases #ProgrammingLanguages #DataScience #WebDevelopment