Vehicle Rental Project in ASP.NET 7.0 | Start from Scratch | Real Time Project | Part-4

Vehicle Rental Project in ASP.NET 7.0 | Start from Scratch | Real Time Project | Part-4

Vehicle Rental Project in ASP.NET 7.0 |  Start from Scratch | Real Time Project | Part-4

In this video , I am going to start this project in ASP.NET 7.0, the following topics I covered this
0:00:00 Create new Vehicle web project in
0:01:35 First Vehicle Model
0:02:52 Application User Model
0:04:50 Junction table Rental
0:06:37 Repository Project with CarContext class
0:08:40 Repository for vehicle
0:022:09 Vehicle Controller
0:22:52 Automapper with injecting service