Trade body listings confirm imminent launch of AMD's RX 7600 and Nvidia's RTX 4060.

Trade body listings confirm imminent launch of AMD's RX 7600 and Nvidia's RTX 4060.

Trade body listings confirm imminent launch of AMD's RX 7600 and Nvidia's RTX 4060.

Trade body listings confirm imminent launch of AMD’s RX 7600 and Nvidia’s RTX 4060.

one listing for ASRock includes entries for the RX 7600, indicating 8GB of graphics memory, while another for Gigabyte has both the RX 7600, and Nvidia’s RTX 4060 Ti, both running 8GB of graphics memory

we have a feeling these cards will come in lower, price-wise, than might be expected purely going, on the positioning of existing AMD RX 7000, and Nvidia RTX 40-series GPUs, partly due to this specific 8GB concern