
Arrays Methods pop, push, shift, unshift indexOf & includes | Hindi/Urdu | JavaScript Tutorial #22

Arrays Methods pop, push, shift, unshift indexOf & includes | Hindi/Urdu | JavaScript Tutorial #22

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00:00​ – Introduction to the video and the topic of array methods in JavaScript.

1:40 – Demonstration of using the `push` method to add elements to the end of an array.

2:12​ – Demonstration of using the `push` method to add elements to the end of an array.

3:40 Demonstration of using the `unshift` method to add elements to the beginning of an array.

5:55 – Explanation of the `pop` method for removing elements from the end of an array.

7:28​ – Explanation of the `shift` method for removing elements from the beginning of an array.

9:15​ – Explanation of the `includes` method for searching elements of an array.

11:05​ – Explanation of the `indexOf` method for finding the index of a specific element in an array.

13:00​ – Thanks for Watching Good Bye

In this video, we’ll take a closer look at some commonly used methods for manipulating arrays in JavaScript: pop, push, shift, unshift, and indexOf.

First, we’ll start with pop and push, which allow us to add or remove elements from the end of an array. We’ll demonstrate how to use these methods and talk about some of the nuances involved with using them effectively.

Next, we’ll move on to shift and unshift, which are similar to pop and push but work on the beginning of the array instead of the end. We’ll cover how to use these methods and some examples of when they might be useful.

Finally, we’ll discuss the indexOf method, which allows us to search an array for a specific element and return its index. We’ll explain how to use this method and show some examples of how it can be useful in practice.

By the end of this video, you’ll have a better understanding of these essential array methods and how they can be used to manipulate and search arrays in JavaScript.

Music:Seize The Ultimate
Musician:Paul Werner

Music:Do It

#javascript #javascriptforbeginners #CodeConvo

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