
Delphi: The Kegan Kline Merry-Go-Round

Delphi: The Kegan Kline Merry-Go-Round

Investigators have so much more than they realize from this interview transcript. So, so much more.

For the past month or so, my channel has been pretty silent. I could have made a massive, elaborate point-by-point video on this topic that showed in great detail the depth of Kegan Kline’s repeated dishonesty.

But at some point, you have to simplify things.

There should be no reason for Kline to have multiple fake personas. There should be no reason for that Anthony Shots account to be communicating with the girls, which it did, February 13, 2017.

And there should be no reason the Anthony Shots accounts claimed to another account, which it did, that he was supposed to meet the girls but they never showed up … IF Kegan Kline truly does NOT recall speaking to Abby as he repeatedly claimed in this interview transcript.

THAT MAKES ZERO SENSE. It’s 100 percent obvious BULLSHI#.

The Anthony Shots account was PASSWORD protected and accessed on a device tracked by GPS to KLINE’S HOME the day of the crime. Kinda hard to hide from that kind of pinpoint evidence on password protected devices.

Then Kline flees to Vegas. But again, he doesn’t recall speaking to Abby he repeatedly claims … yet flees to Vegas right after this all goes down. Some kid without any sort of real steady job. Just suddenly, poof, Vegas.

He then fails a polygraph upon returning from Vegas, when administered, in regards to Abby and Libby, SPECIFICALLY.

While in Vegas, despite repeatedly claiming in this interview he didn’t recall speaking with Libby … he repeatedly Googled information about the girls’ deaths while there.

If they weren’t noteworthy to him, or he truly didn’t recall speaking to her with the Anthony Shots account, why the need to google it all while on a Vegas getaway?

Why google “How long does DNA last” while out of town in Vegas after the crime?

There were even searches for Sandy Hook bodies on one of his devices.

Circumstantial evidence is not always proof of guilt of a crime.

But when that evidence, which is FAR more than circumstantial, is viewed in the totality of the evidence at-hand …

I would have to be a complete moron to think any of this is just a huge coincidence.

I am not accusing Kegan Kline of anything. But I am saying that there SEEMS to be no way on Earth this guy doesn’t know more … and that is just an OPINION. But it’s a STRONG opinion based on FACTS.

But I mean, c’mon, man. It’s all right there, investigators. What else has this guy not told you? He’s the key to all your answers, I am nearly convinced. Even if Richard Allen is involved. It’s all too much for me to just dismiss.

Kegan Kline is a bad, bad human being, folks. Go read the whole transcript, if you can stomach its disturbing contents. Did this guy facilitate or have involvement in a horrible crime? Did he pay someone to film something disturbing to fulfill his sick fantasies, since we know he’s ugly and afraid to meet in person?

Or did someone pay Kline to facilitate this for THEM through one of the many accounts and devices?

Or is he caught in the worst set of circumstances in a bizarre coincidence the likes of which true crime has never seen? This dude was into some horrific stuff, folks. Don’t kid yourselves. The paper and especially digital trail is a mile long.

The puzzle pieces are there, investigators. Piece them together and keep pressuring this guy. You have him in the corner, whether you realize it or not. Even after all this time.

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