
What are different types of storage. What is cloud storage. What is DAS, NAS, SAN, EFS, EBS and S3

What are different types of storage. What is cloud storage. What is DAS, NAS, SAN, EFS, EBS and S3

What are different types of storage. What is cloud storage. What is DAS (Direct Attached Storage), NAS (Network Attached Storage), SAN (Storage Area Network), file storage, block storage, object storage, instance store, EFS (Elastic File System), EBS (Elastic Block Store) and S3 (Simple Storage Service).

Relationship between different types of storage options.

– DAS (Direct Attached Storage) (Instance Store)

– NAS (Network Attached Storage) (EFS, Elastic File System) (File Storage)

– SAN (Storage Area Network) (EBS, Elastic Block Store) (Block)

– Object Storage (S3, Simple Storage Service) (Object)

There are several types of storage available, each with its unique features and use cases. Here are some common types of storage:

Direct Attached Storage (DAS): DAS is a type of storage that is directly connected to a computer or server, typically through a USB or SATA connection. Examples include external hard drives, solid-state drives, and USB flash drives.

Network Attached Storage (NAS): NAS is a type of storage that is connected to a network and provides storage to multiple devices simultaneously. It is typically used in home or small business environments and is accessible through a network protocol such as NFS or SMB.

Storage Area Network (SAN): SAN is a type of high-performance storage that is used in enterprise-level environments. It is a dedicated network of storage devices that are accessed by servers using a specialized protocol such as Fibre Channel or iSCSI.

Object Storage: Object storage is a type of storage that stores data as objects rather than files or blocks. Each object contains data, metadata, and a unique identifier that is used to locate the object. Object storage is often used for storing unstructured data such as media files, backups, and logs.

Instance Store: Instance store is a type of storage that is attached to an EC2 instance in AWS. It provides temporary block-level storage and is ideal for storing data that needs to be accessed frequently and quickly.

Elastic File System (EFS): EFS is a fully-managed, scalable, and elastic NFS file system used in AWS. It is designed to provide shared access to files across multiple EC2 instances and is ideal for applications that require shared file access.

Elastic Block Store (EBS): EBS is a block-level storage used in AWS. It provides persistent storage for EC2 instances and is ideal for applications that require long-term storage.

Simple Storage Service (S3): S3 is a highly-scalable and durable object storage service used in AWS. It is ideal for storing and retrieving large amounts of data such as media files, backups, and logs.

Cloud storage is a type of storage that is delivered over the internet and is accessible from anywhere in the world. It allows users to store data on remote servers that can be accessed through a web interface or API. Examples of cloud storage services include Amazon S3, Google Drive, and Dropbox.

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