
Stop saving screenshots to OneDrive automatically in Windows 10

Stop saving screenshots to OneDrive automatically in Windows 10

Capturing screenshots on Windows 10 is simple. All the user is required to do for capturing the whole screen in one go is press Win+PrntScr key in combination on the hardware keyboard. Once done, the laptop screen dims indicating the screenshot is captured and ready for your view in the User/Pictures/Screenshots folder. However, the recent Setting option added to OneDrive forces the captured screenshots to be auto-saved to a special folder in the user’s OneDrive profile and in the cloud i.e., screen captures are saved to a PicturesScreenshots folder in your local OneDrive profile, which is then synced to the Microsoft Cloud.

The move is intended to place cloud storage as a free or cheap replacement to files stored locally on your PC. While the concepts interests many users, a handful of them finds it quite bothering. Here’s a post walking you through the process of forcing Windows 10 to stop automatically saving screenshots, photos and videos to OneDrive, whenever you connect your camera or phone to your PC.

Learn more on https://www.thewindowsclub.com/stop-saving-screenshots-onedrive-automatically-windows-10

#OneDrive #Windows10

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