
How to create a Perl 5.32 environment with the ActiveState Platform

How to create a Perl 5.32 environment with the ActiveState Platform

Get a step by step demo by ActiveState’s Product team and learn how to create a Perl 5.32 environment quickly – with the modules and dependencies you need for your Perl!

ActiveState’s Perl 5.32 supports a new concept: bundles, which are simply functional groups of Perl dependencies. For example, if you work with Catalyst or Mojolicious, you’ll want to import the Catalyst or Mojolicious bundle, which includes more than 50 of the most popular plugins for each framework. Similarly if you’re working with Windows, you can import the Win32 bundle. Or simply select all bundles to import hundreds of dependencies at once and create an installation similar to ActivePerl.

But our new ecosystem also offers some significant advantages over our old approach, including:

A Unified Toolchain. If your teams develop and deploy on multiple operating systems, your organization has to manage multiple toolchains in order to build, update and manage your Perl environments. In contrast, the State Tool delivers a consistent package management experience across Windows and Linux (Mac coming soon) so you only need one toolchain to support all your teams.

Virtual Environment Support. ActivePerl’s global, system-wide installation is not suitable for managing multiple Perl projects, which is today’s norm for many developers. To address this use case, the State Tool will automatically create a virtual environment for each of your projects, isolating dependencies and ensuring against conflicts.

Open Source Licensing. Perl 5.32 and all the dependencies you install with the State Tool are licensed under their original licenses. The ActivePerl proprietary license is no longer included.

With our experimental Perl 5.32 release, we’re reimagining how you work with Perl from ActiveState.

Learn more about the whole new ecosystem for Perl here: https://www.activestate.com/perl-532/
How to install and manage Perl 5.32 with the State Tool by ActiveState: https://youtu.be/PtXR_cNeThk

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