
How to deploy a static site to Cloudflare Pages step by step guide

How to deploy a static site to Cloudflare Pages step by step guide

Learn how to deploy a static site to Cloudflare Pages, and host a static website for free. In this example, I connect a GitHub account to Cloudflare, and deploy a Hugo static site. However, this is the same process as deploying other types of sites such as an Eleventy site, Elder.js site, Astro site, Angular application, Zola site, Vue application, Svelte site, Sphinx site, Remix site, React application, Preact site, Nuxt.js site, Next.js site, Jekyll site, Gatsby site, and Blazor Site.

View the blog post here: https://www.dannymoran.com/cloudflare-pages-demo/

Hi, I’m Danny Moran, a London based IT consultant and blogger. You can view all my blog posts at: https://www.dannymoran.com

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