iOS Development | When Android is not enough | Webinar – 1 | Edureka

iOS Development | When Android is not enough | Webinar – 1 | Edureka

iOS Development | When Android is not enough | Webinar - 1 | Edureka

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With over a Million apps and a Billions of dollars generated from the app market, iOS is all set to be one of the best users world wide.

Video gives a brief insight of following topics:

1. Understand about iOS Development
2. Why iOS Developement
3. Getting Started with iOS Development
4. How to capture an image from your app
5. Saving images to album
6. Share in various social sites
7. Job Trends in iOS Development

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Edureka is a New Age e-learning platform that provides Instructor-Led Live, Online classes for learners who would
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The topics related to iOS Development have extensively been covered in our course ‘iOS Development’.
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