Powerful Shaktipat Meditation Session: Deepen Your Connection with the Divine

Powerful Shaktipat Meditation Session: Deepen Your Connection with the Divine

Powerful Shaktipat Meditation Session: Deepen Your Connection with the Divine

This is a recording of a meditation session held during an online intensive on April 1st, 2023. Relax and connect with the Shaktipat transmission as we meditate together. This transmission can enhance your meditation experience and deepen your connection with the Shakti. Don’t miss the opportunity to join us for live online meditation sessions. Register for upcoming events at https://www.shaktipat.one/events/

#meditation #shaktipat #spirituality #mindfulness #yoga #relaxation #selfcare #innerpeace #onlineevent #livemeditation

✨About Jan Esmann

Jan Esmann is an enlightened Kudanlini shaktipat master who was born on January 18, 1960 in Copenhagen. He teaches and transmits shaktipat, with the highest teachings being transmitted in silence during meditation. He is an avadhut, meaning a jivan mukta or a spiritually liberated being, who is considered a spiritual anarchist and tends to hide in solitude for their spiritual practices.

If you’re interested in learning more, Jan offers a variety of resources including:

🔵 Books available on Amazon: https://rebrand.ly/janesmannbooks
🔵 Weekly Tuesday Meditations online: https://shaktipat.one/events-calendar/
🔵 3-day Intensives, offline:https://shaktipat.one/events-calendar/
🔵 Receive Shaktipat remotely: https://shaktipat.one/shaktipatinaabsentia/

You may consider making a donation to Shaktipat.one to support the advancement of Jan’s teachings.

Thank you for watching! 🙏

💎 Amazon: https://rebrand.ly/janesmannbooks
💎 Donate: https://rebrand.ly/SupportShaktipatOne
💎 Shaktipat.One website: https://shaktipat.one/

✉ Email: [email protected]