20230427 What are 3 benefits of a company using the cloud?

20230427 What are 3 benefits of a company using the cloud?

20230427 What are 3 benefits of a company using the cloud?

If you’re looking to shift to a more cloud-based business model, then this video is for you. We’ll discuss the benefits of the cloud and how to take advantage of its capabilities to improve your business. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or an executive, this video is a key resource for learning about the cloud!

Got a Minute? I’m the Guy focused on Internet Solutions. This latest episode of The Guy R Cook Report Podcast in 2023 the 7th year. After you’ve seen the video take a second and follow this URL https://www.videoask.com/fsyzjlj0l Thanks for watching Contact form is at https://guyrcook.com Let’s talk.

Hi, I’m Guy Cook and I’m talking about the three benefits of a company using the cloud, that internet cloud that you’ve heard everybody talking about.
Well, three benefits has evolved a little bit and the reason for that is because of the Google searches that I did and let me explain.
If you go to the guyrcookreport.podbean.com, there’s a Google document in there with this title.
And the first time I searched, it came up with a prompt from a company in Australia.
That’s right.
And I decided, well, Australia might be a little bit too far away, but they’ve got some good pluses and minuses in their posts, I think you should take a look at that.
So I went a little bit closer to home when I went to cloud.google.com and got their advantages of cloud computing that they’ve posted.
And then the final answer is from TechTarget.
That was when I learned the word cloud engineer.
That’s the go-to guy that you want to ask about cloud computing, okay?
So if they’ve got that shingle hanging on the wall, that’s the guy to talk to.
Hi, the reason for this section of the video is to remind you to subscribe or at least
like, okay?
It’s a wrap.